Our Faith and Purpose
We unite together through our faith and trust in God, revealed in Jesus Christ, who lives in us through the Holy Spirit.
We welcome into this church family all who seek fellowship with God and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; we promise to watch over and care for one another.
We seek the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit in worship, in celebration of the sacraments, and in all our life together.
We challenge one another to grow in faith, knowledge, and commitment, using the Bible to guide our journey.
We promise to give willingly of ourselves so that this truly becomes a servant church, joyously sharing God’s gift of love, spreading the Good News, and reflecting the light of Christ in our daily lives.
This fellowship grants to each member the right to individual interpretation of the principles of the Christian religion, and respects an individual’s honest convictions.
Worship services are now in-person as well as Zoom.
Moving forward we are using the same Zoom link for our Sunday worship services:
pass code 407268
You may login at 9:45am and our words of gathering will begin at 10:00am. We will keep everyone muted for the worship service but after the benediction we will unmute so we can take time to catch up with one another.
The first Sunday of the month is when we traditionally celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion together. We invite you to have elements available at home to use.
You are welcome to worship here! If it’s your first time here, your first time back, or you’ve been here all your life, welcome home to First Congregational Church!